Tag: government bond
Vietnam gov’t bond market equals 25.1% GDP in 2019
In 2021, Vietnam strives to have its government bond included in global recognized bond indices such as JP Morgan, Bloomberg Barclays, Citi World Government.
Vietnam’s bond market grows 4.1% to US$53.6 billion in 2019
The government bond market decreased by 3.9% quarter-on-quarter in local currency terms to US$49.2 billion at the end of December 2019.
Vietnam bond market grows nearly 10% to US$57.6 billion in Q1
This is mainly due to the government bond segment growing 10.5% quarter-on-quarter in the first quarter, to reach US$53.3 billion.
Vietnam bond market posts strongest growth among emerging East Asia in 9 months
This growth was supported by expansion in both the government and corporate bond segments, stated the ADB.
Gov’t raises more than $14 billion via G-bonds in 2020
As of December 31, 2020, the total value of G-bonds reached more than VND1,350 trillion (US$58.55 billion), up 17.39% year-on-year.
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