Tag: Heineken
Heineken no longer major shareholder of Vietnam’s brewer Sabeco
Heineken was a direct competitor of Thaibev for the acquisition of Sabeco in late 2017. However, Thaibev won the race by spending US$4.89 billion for a nearly 54% stake of Sabeco.
Vietnam’s Food & Beverage industry regains positive momentum in 2019
In the first 11 months of 2019, rural areas achieved a 9.3% value growth, while urban areas grew by 6.1% over the same period last year, mainly driven by the increase in sales volume.
Vietnam beverage industry struggles to find way out of unprecedented crisis
With Sabeco, Habeco, Carlsberg Vietnam and Heineken Vietnam holding 90% of Vietnam’s alcohol beverage market, negative business results from these firms could lead to a setback of the overall industry in the coming time.