Thursday, 13:44 11/08/2016
100% of population to access clean water supply by 2025
According to the National Programme on ensuring the supply of safe water for 2016-2025 period recently approved by the Prime Minister, by 2025, the rate of residents who can access clean and sanitary water will reach 95 to 100 percent.
The Prime Minister has approved the National Programme on ensuring the supply of safe water in the 2016-2025 period with the aims to bring clean and sanitary water to at least 95 percent of population by 2025.
The programme’s overall goal is to ensure the supply of safe water to manage risks and solve possible problems from water resources, water treatment facilities and water pipeline and distribution systems, contributing to improving the quality of life and protecting people’s health.
Photo for illustration.
The programme will be carried out in urban areas and rural residential areas in provinces and cities nationwide from 2016 to 2025.
The programme aims to bring clean and sanitary water to at least 90 percent of the residents by 2020 with the safe water supply system covering 45 percent of urban areas and 35 percent of rural areas.
Besides, the programme targets to reduce the rate of untreated wastewater discharged directly into the environment to 80 - 85 percent in urban area.
Under the programme, by 2025, the rate of population who can access clean and sanitary water will reach 95 to 100 percent, the safe water supply system will cover 50 percent of rural areas. The rate of untreated waste water in urban areas will be decreased to 70 percent.
In order to achieve these goals, the programme will build and perfect a mechanism and policies on the supply of safe water, the management, exploitation, use and protection of water resources. It encourages the application of information technology and improves capacity of safe water supply.