Tag: anti-dumping
Three solutions for Vietnam firms to boost integration in global supply chains
In the 2011 – 2019 period, Vietnam’s exports grew at an average of 15% annually, and are on track to contribute to an all-time high turnover of US$500 billion in mid-December.
Vietnam plywood may escape US anti-dumping probe
Vietnamese products made from local materials or imported from countries other than China could escape anti-dumping sanctions.
Vietnam firms warned of growing trade probes
At a time when the Covid-19 pandemic is causing severe impacts on the global economy, trade tensions among economies have escalated and resulted in excessive use of trade protection measures.
Vietnam steel export in 2021 set to grow further
The Covid-19 pandemic has caused insignificant impact on the Vietnam’s steel production while strongly hit other countries, creating opportunities for Vietnamese manufacturers to expand market share, especially in EU, China and Thailand.
Early warning system for trade remedies ensures sustainable exports
As of July 2021, Vietnam’s export items have been subject to 207 trade probes from abroad, 77% of which, or 160, were conducted since 2011.